St. Paul’s New Brand Identity

On December 10 we introduced St. Paul’s new brand identity in worship with several versions of our new logo. Everyone in attendance was gifted with a window cling for cars or homes and we have more of them if you haven’t gotten yours yet. The idea behind a new brand identity is to make St. Paul’s UCC more recognizable as we do our work in the community and give folks a way to find us when they encounter us and/or look for a new church home.

Sprout Design created our new logo and owner Rachel Wambach spent some time in our church home before creating it. The colors in the logo she pulled from the stained glass window in our Sanctuary. It is a vintage design, which is on trend right now and will make this image relatively timeless. A cross is featured in the middle of the image with moving lines representing a road, a path, a runway, etc. that draws the eyes forward and upward. We have been given multiple logo assets: the basic logo image with no writing called a mark as seen to the right, three variations with our name positioned in various ways with the mark as seen above, and a logo that includes our tagline ‘continue your journey,’ all in two color pallets — for light backgrounds and for dark backgrounds.

The Marketing Team worked with Rachel on this project and is ecstatic with the results. We have some sign work to do next and are creating a new website featuring our new brand that should be completed this month. Sometime in the Spring, we will be offering an opportunity for the St. Paul’s church family to order shirts featuring the logo. We are hoping everyone will be wearing the new logo when we have our first-anniversary celebration in our new church home in May. You will be seeing a lot more of our brand and we hope the community begins to identify us by it, as well.

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St. Paul's UCC Evansville

Looking Ahead

This was the conclusion of Pastor JD’s Annual Report, as he turned his attention from what we accomplished in 2023 and began to look ahead to what 2024 will be marked by. This year I want to focus on just one thing, that I believe will touch nearly every ministry/program/decision

Congrats to Kim Armstrong!

A big shoutout to Kim Armstrong! Kim recently found out that she has been vetted and certified as a facilitator for the United Church of Christ’s ‘Sacred Conversations to End Racism.’ This recognition comes after a three-year process of study, self-evaluation, reading, writing, and meeting bi-weekly with a cohort from


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